VIA: Lead On Goal 4
Strengthen Workforce
(both employees & graduates)
Recommended Actions
- Streamline and centralize the reporting process for the collection and storage of post-graduation-related data for undergraduate and graduate programs
- Increase alumni participation in the collection of data post-graduation
- Improve student perceptions and increase student participation with the Career Center for professional and career development
- Support and enhance informal faculty mentoring, career preparation and community/employer connection, and link with the Career Center wherever possible
- Maximize alumni and other beneficial TCU connections for post-graduation employment, mentoring, community/employer connection and internships
- Establish a career and professional development class/seminar in each major or college
- Duplicate best practices within the Alcon Career Center in other schools and colleges at TCU
- Evaluate whether the Career Center has adequate resources and staffing
- Improve graduate preparation programs
- Research TCU best practices in experiential and work-integrated learning opportunities
- Focus on organizational planning and development of our faculty and staff
- Improve faculty and staff recruiting and hiring
- Implement an exit interview process
- Constantly evaluate the competitiveness and sustainability of compensation and benefits
- Enhance work/life balance by implementing alternatives to the traditional work schedule
- Explore the costs/benefits of providing onsite childcare
- Provide additional leadership development and management training and offer online professional development classes
- Establish a framework and processes for career advancement
- Develop management transition plans where needed
- Consider leadership/professional development rotations for employees
- Create a phased retirement process and develop a process to assist with retirement planning
- Continue to educate faculty and staff about retirement processes and policies
- Address the needs of adjunct and part-time personnel for competitive compensation, support and/or benefits
- Establish a culture that supports succession planning including addressing concerns for faculty and staff about promotions
- Provide more information and advice about medical supplemental insurance plans to better inform retirees
- Provide fitness program benefits, such as Silver Sneakers, for those who cannot utilize the TCU campus recreation center
- Create an Ombuds office for the university’s staff and faculty
- Improve communication on diversity with the campus community and increase opportunities for both formal and informal mentoring